Friday, August 20, 2010

Pokemon Card of the Day: Flygon ex (EX Dragon Frontiers)

Today's Pokemon Card of the Day is Flygon ex from the EX Dragon Frontiers set. It has 150HP and its psychic type. It has no weakness, no resistance, and a very cheap retreat cost of 2 Energy cards. The Poke-Body "Sand Damage" is great because as long as Flygon ex is your Active Pokemon, you can put 1 damage counter on each of your opponent's Benched Basic Pokemon between turns. So that can probably do a total of 70 damage because you have 7 cards on your bench, so 10 damage times 7 cards = 70 HP damage. I like the attack "Psychic Pulse" because it does 80 damage for 3 Energy cards, and it does 10 damage to each of your opponent's Benched Pokemon that has any damage counters on it. If I were using Flygon ex in one of my decks, I would use a least 2 Psychic Energy cards. Attach it to Flygon to get it warmed up. Then I will use the Poke-Body, and then use the attack. Stay tuned tomorrow for my Mesprit Lv. X card review. This is GHRBPExpert and I'm out.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Pokemon Card of the Day: Electivire Lv. X (Mysterious Treasures)

Today's Pokemon Card of the Day is Electivire Lv. X from the Mysterious Treasures set. Sorry for not posting up posts for a while because I was so busy. This Electivire Lv. X is electric type and has a HP of 120. Its weakness is 2 times the damage from fighting types and has a resitance from steel types and a retreat cost for 3 Energys. The Poke-Body "Shocking Tail" is good because as long as Electivire is your active Pokemon, whenever your opponent attaches an Energy card from his or her hand to 1 of his or her Pokemon, put 2 damage counters on that Pokemon. Pulse Barrier does 50HP damage for 2 Energys. Be sure to check out my Flygon ex card review tomorrow. This is GHRBPExpert and I'm out.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Pokemon Card of the Day: Rayquaza & Deoxys LEGEND (Undaunted)

Today's Pokemon Card of the Day is the Rayquaza and Deoxys LEGEND card from the HGSS Undaunted set thats coming out on August 13th, I think. Its HP is 140 and they're both colorless and psychic type. "Ozone Buster" does 150HP damage for 4 Energys. NOTE: It is the only attack you can use. It has a weakness to colorless and psychic by 2 times. It has no resistance, and a high retreat cost for three Energys. The artwork on it looks awesome! Be sure to check out my Electivire Lv. X card review tomorrow. This is GHRBPExpert and I'm out!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Pokemon Card of the Day: Magmortar (Mysterious Treasures)

Today's Pokemon Card of the Day is Magmortar from the Mysterious Treasures set. This card has a HP of 100. With a weakness of Water - 30HP damage. And has no resistance and a high retreat cost of 3 Energys. "Smoke Bomb" does 30HP damage for 2 Energys. "Flame Drum" does 80 damage for 3 Energys so thats pretty awesome. I also like the artwork on the card and it's a holo. Be sure to check out my Rayquaza and Deoxys LEGEND card review tomorrow. This GHRBPExpert and I'm out.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Pokemon Card of the Day: Groudon ex (EX Crystal Guardians)

Today's Pokemon Card of the Day is Groudon ex from the EX Crystal Guardians set. This is basic Pokemon of course because all legendarys are basic. It has a HP of 100, and it's fighting type. And its weakness is to Grass Pokemon, and has no resistance and it has a 2 Energy retreat cost. Its Poke-Body 'Hard Rock' is actually useful because it says "As long as Groudon ex has 1 Energy or less attached to it, damage done to any of your Groudon ex in play by attacks is reduced by 20." So that is really good. Now, the only move that Groudon ex only has is 'Power Blast'. This attack does 100 damage for 3 Energys. Be sure to check out my Magmortar card review tomorrow. This is GHRBPExpert and I'm out! ^_^

Monday, July 26, 2010

Pokemon Card of the Day: Blaziken ex (EX Crystal Guardians)

Today's Pokemon Card of the Day is Blaziken ex from the EX Crystal Guardians set. This card is a Stage 2 Pokemon with an hp of 150. It's weakness is Psychic types and it has no Resistance, and a two energy retreat cost. The attack 'Drag Off' can do 30hp damage for 2 energys. 'Burn Away' does a massive hp damage of 100 for 4 energys, which is not my best decision of using that move because it will waste all of your Energys. And I really think that the artwork on the card looks wicked awesome! This card is the 90th card out of 100 cards in this set. Be sure to check out my Groudon ex card review tomorrow. This is GHRBPExpert and I'm out! ^_^

Friday, July 23, 2010

Pokemon Card of the Day: Salamence ex (EX Power Keepers)

Today's Pokemon Card of the Day is the Salamence Lv. X from the EX Power Keepers set. This ex card is so awesome. It has 160HP which is really, really good. I love the artwork too. The attack "Volcanic Flame" is dynamic. It does 150HP damage for 4 energys. The attack "Hydro Wave" is pretty decent. It does 30HP damage to each of your opponent's benched Pokemon so that's pretty good. Be sure to check out my Blaziken ex card review tomorrow. This GHRBPExpert and I'm out!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Pokemon Card of the Day: Charizard Star (EX Dragon Frontiers)

Today's Pokemon Card of the Day is the Charizard Star card from the EX Dragon Frontiers set. This is card is my favorite one. I don't have it but still it looks pretty good. And the Pokemon looks like the Shining Charizard from one of the older sets like: Neo Series, Base Set, Fossil, Jungle. Anyway lets go on with the attacks. Dark Swirl is one of the most tremendous attacks that Charizard Star does. It does 150HP damage normally. But you can attach 4 Dark Energy plus a Colorless Energy so a total of 5 Energys. So the 150HP damage, multiply it by 5 and you can do 750HP damage. I didn't know if you guys knew that, but I'm just telling you that. By the way, I love the artwork. I mean it looks awesome. With the black-colored Charizard spiting out orange fire. It just looks too darn awesome! Be sure to check out my Salamence ex card review tomorrow. This is GHRBPExpert and I'm out!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Pokemon Card of the Day: Aggron (Mysterious Treasures)

Today's Pokemon Card of the day is the Aggron from the Diamond and Pearl: Mysterious Treasures set. This Pokemon is dynamic! The artwork on it looks awesome! The attack Heap Up is good. Because you search through your discard pile for Energy cards. If you find any Metal Special Energy cards, the attack will do 40HP damage plus 30HP damage. A total of 70HP damage. Now the attack Hard Metal, its damage does tremendous damage. This attack does 60HP damage normally, but you can add 40HP more damage if you want to. If you do, Aggron will do 40HP damage to itself. Which is not good because since Aggron has 130HP and you can only use Hard Metal probably about 4 times before your Aggron faints. But Hard Metal is a pretty tremendous, power move. You can use it, but be careful using that move, it will hurt your Aggron, and it will faint. Be sure to check out my Charizard Star card review tomorrow. This is GHRBPExpert and I'm out!


Pokemon Card of the Day: Infernape Lv. X (Diamond and Pearl)

Today's Pokemon Card of the Day is Infernape Lv. X from the Diamond and Pearl set. It's a Stage 2 Pokemon and it has a weakness to Water types which will take 30hp damage. And it has no resistance, and there is no retreat cost. 'Burning Head' is good because you can look at the top 3 cards on top of your deck and you can choose one of them. 'Flare Up' does massive hp damage of 150 for 2 energy cards. Be sure to check out my Aggron card review tomorrow. This is GHRBPExpert and I'm out!